Doodles Day Nursery,
28 St Thomas's Road, Chorley, PR7 1HX
Tel: 01257 262567

The Baby Room is designed to take children from the age of 6 weeks up until
2 years old. The adult to child ratio is 1:3
We understand how hard it can be to part with your precious baby and therefore
we have created a friendly, relaxed and welcoming room that is a ‘home from
home’ for both children and their families. We ensure our daily routine
incorporates children’s personal and individual needs, as we know just how
much a baby’s routine changes as they grow and develop.
When joining the Baby Room, we offer two free taster sessions in order to start
the process of relationship and trust building between the setting and family, as
well as providing your child with some familiarity before their first day.
Taster Session 1 consists of a 1 hour stay and play with the parent/career where they are introduced to their child’s keyworker and other staff working with the room, as well as ensuring all personal and individual needs are shared to ensure a smooth transition.
Taster Session 2 consists of a 2 hour stay and play without their parent/career.
We always aim to ensure taster sessions are booked on the days your child will begin attending Doodles. We also understand all children are different, and therefor if your child needs more taster sessions, we try our best to be accommodating with extra sessions. Parents are to provide their own nappies, wipes and formula or breast milk (including bottles).
The Baby Room follows the Early Years Foundation Stage, Development Matters 2021. The room covers all 7 areas of learning, with a main focus on the prime areas and characteristics of effective learning. The prime areas include:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
You will have access to your child’s learning journey via an APP called ‘Capture Education.’ On here you will also get daily updates on what your child is up to at nursery, e.g. eating, sleeping, toileting and learning including pictures/videos.
The Baby room has a large quiet and comfortable area which allows children the opportunities to sleep and rest throughout the day. The children have access to a sensory area which has plenty of textured resources and lights to explore. The children participate in song and rhyme time and large scale messy play, which may be dry or wet, they have the opportunity to explore using all their senses and whole bodies, mess is all part of the fun! We celebrate all traditions, national days and religions festivals. All our learning opportunities are available and adapted for all ages and stages of development, from non-movers to walkers.
The babies have outdoor access in the shared garden, where there is a grassed area for our non-movers to take in the natural surroundings and areas for our more mobile babies to explore, including a mud kitchen, bike area and physical area. Our Babies love taking trips into the local community where they get lots of attention, they practically like visiting Astley park Pets corner and the library.
The babies are all encouraged to try new foods; we have a 3 week menu that includes all home cooked foods. We support parents wishes during their babies weaning process, whether that is baby led or spoon fed, however our older babies are encouraged to use their spoon. The older babies enjoy washing their hands prior to meal times joining in with our ‘Hand washing song’.
Welcome to our Baby Room